The Red Tide / Academy of Rhythmorphology




The Academy of Rhythmorphology (ARm) welcomes you to two days of experiments, workshops and presentations – from the tidal zone to the eigenfrequency of bedrock, from purification rituals outside the sewage treatment plant to all-encompassing quantum physics, and from the rawness of human voices to conversations with an old oak tree.

With contributions by Marte Aas (artist and filmmaker) and Anders Kvellestad (physicist), Margrethe Pettersen (artist) and Robel Temesgen (artist), Torgeir Vassvik (musician), Izabela Żółcińska (artist) and Simon Hasselø Kline (marine biologist), Sakib Saboor (photographer), and the Academy of Rhythmorphology initiators, Arjen Mulder (writer), Hilde Methi (curator), and Signe Lidén (artist).

About ARm

ARm wants to challenge the distinctions between exhibition, workshop, and research. Where formats that can contribute to creating new understandings through connections of artistic experiences, exercises, lectures, walks and conversations are explored. In the wake of Arm#1, the initiators and the participating artists have seen how the experiences have contributed further into practices. When the academy is opened to a larger public, it is in the spirit of ambition to create room for speculation for both the public and performers/creators.